Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Sheik’s Ruby by Jennifer Moore

I love the Middle East and the Romance of Lawrence of Arabia, women with dark eyes and hidden faces, Dark, handsome, crazy-rich men. I am fascinated with the culture and all of its secrets, and wanted to write a book that showed the beauty as well of the danger that is part of life in this corner of the world.

On a trip to Dubai, I was fascinated with the Sheiks and their extravagant lifestyle. They are devoutly religious, extremely private and their family is central to their lives. It’s such an interesting dynamic, as we so often, in America, associate wealth with scandals in the gossip columns.

In Dubai, one of my favorite places is the Gold Souqs. These winding streets with windows full of shining gold are beautiful and amazing, and I was fascinated to see men and women buying thick golden strands that cost thousands of dollars. They’d swipe a card, then just sticking them in a shopping bag and continue on with their day like they’d grabbed a coke at the gas station
Can you imagine a life where money is just not an issue? Private jets, palaces, even islands reclaimed from the sea to have a pristine beach are just part of life. I particularly loved the indoor ski-slopes. It was 125 degrees, and they’d somehow managed to keep it refrigerated enough to make snow.
The handsome princes who hunt with falcons and race horses at the Kentucky Derby seem like such interesting people, with their blend of old world and new. Plus, those dark eyes and thick black hair is seriously handsome.

I love Grace Kelly and Prince Ranier, and what girl wouldn’t love to be a princess?

So, that was the inspiration for The Sheik’s Ruby.  A Cinderella story where a small town cowgirl meets a Middle-Eastern prince.

Jennifer Moore
I have some great pictures on my Pinterest board, too.

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